Join us at the JCC Maccabi Games in Tucson and Pittsburgh!
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Games Overview
Rules for Team and Individual Sports

To participate in the JCC Maccabi Games, athletes must be part of a delegation. A delegation is a group of athletes and coaches who represent a specific Jewish Community Center (JCC or YM-YWHA) at the Games. We also welcome international delegations representing their country's Maccabi territorial organization (TOs) who come to the Games through our partnership with the Maccabi World Movement. Athletes should contact their local Jewish Community Center to determine if the JCC is taking a delegation to the Games.

The JCC Maccabi Games is an annual event for Jewish teens that promotes engagement in Jewish communal life; builds and enriches Jewish identity; fosters lifelong Jewish friendships and memories; and connects teens to Israel, the worldwide Jewish community, and the concept of Jewish peoplehood.

To participate in the Games, athletes must be at least 13 years old and under 17 years old for the duration of the Games.

All athletes must be Jewish, which means that at least one of the athlete’s parents is Jewish and the athlete is being raised Jewish or is a Jew-by-choice and is being raised Jewish. In the spirit of the Games, teens who practice religions other than or in addition to Judaism should not participate in the JCC Maccabi Games.

Code of Conduct
The JCC Maccabi Games code of conduct outlines behaviors expected of all athletes and adults at the Games. Athletes and credentialed adults who willfully violate code of conduct policies will be subject to penalties. All teens and credentials adults must read and sign the code of conduct as part of the registration process.

We adhere to a zero-tolerance policy for code of conduct violations, and disciplinary problems rarely arise. Smoking, drug and alcohol use, and theft are strictly prohibited. Alleged violations of the code of conduct by athletes or credentialed adults are reviewed by the court of honor, which has authority to impose penalties—ranging from a reprimand to expulsion from the Games—on individuals whom it determines have violated the code.

Rachmanus Rule
During the JCC Maccabi Games, athletes, coaches, delegation heads, chaperones, and spectators are bound by the Rachmanus Rule of fair play.

Participants are expected to support teens of all backgrounds and levels of experience. “Blowing out” (dominating and defeating by a large scoring margin) a much weaker team for the sake of scoring points is contrary to the spirit of the JCC Maccabi Games and shows a lack of rachmanus (mercy, compassion).

Lashon harah (slander, gossip, trash talk) such as putting down other athletes or making fun of a weaker team or athlete shows a lack of rachmanus. JCC Maccabi athletes are expected to engage, interact with, and support all teams and athletes participating in the Games.

Having all participants and spectators understand and follow the Rachmanus Rule enhances the Games and its significance as a truly Jewish event.

Rules By Sport